Depression Therapy

Do You Struggle With A Low Mood?

Have feelings of sadness, emptiness, and a sense of hopelessness descended over every aspect of your life? As the pressure to always be strong builds, do you frequently feel angry, agitated, irritable, and impatient? Does a lack of energy and other physical symptoms—such as disturbances with your sleep or appetite—contribute to a low mood?

The different signs of depression can take on different forms. Perhaps you feel sad and hopeless, and your lack of motivation makes it difficult to muster the energy to get out of bed some mornings. Or you may find that you’re short-tempered, angry, and feel isolated, lonely, and disconnected from others. 

Maybe current events combined with personal life stressors have left you feeling like all the joy has been sucked out of life. If you are dealing with symptoms of depression—like the inability to concentrate, lack of interest in activities and hobbies, low self-worth, and passive thoughts of suicide—It could be a result of complicated grief, unresolved trauma, or other issues from your past.

Coping With Depression Might Be Leading To Unhealthy Behaviors

Looking for ways to stay functional and busy, you might be working too much. However, this drive to preoccupy yourself may make you less—not more—productive. Rather than seeking relaxation, recovery, and renewal, you feel stuck as you struggle to fulfill personal and professional obligations. You might turn to substances as a coping mechanism for your depression and it’s possible that your friends or loved ones have commented on your use. 

When you feel isolated and alone, you may not trust the people around you to ask for the help you need. Fortunately, depression therapy is available to help you find the motivation you’ve lost and find a sense of purpose and passion.

Isolation And Challenging Life Issues Can Contribute To Depression

Depression is a layered interaction of biological, psychological, and social factors that can seriously impair our ability to function in everyday situations. According to the National Institute of Mental Health, in 2020 “an estimated 21.0 million adults in the United States had at least one major depressive episode. This number represents 8.4 percent of all U.S. adults.” 

The sense of isolation and disconnection from others—a condition that has been exacerbated during the pandemic—contributes to our depression. If we carry unexpressed guilt, shame or secrets caused by job loss, a recent breakup, or medical diagnosis, we might feel lonely and disconnected even when we are in a room full of people. As we struggle with a sense of sadness that can sometimes hang on for weeks, months or even years at a time, we often become so low and hopeless that the depression feels insurmountable. We forget what it’s like to be ourselves when we are not depressed.

The Stigma Of Being Vulnerable Prevents Us From Seeking Help

Because those of us who suffer from depression are often independent and self-reliant people, we avoid seeking support, especially for our mental health. Instead, we may want to appear strong to others while also suppressing any negative emotions. However, our tendency to avoid addressing what causes pain can result in us adopting unhelpful beliefs and behaviors that further impact our thoughts and attitudes about ourselves and the world. 

When we won’t allow ourselves to admit we need help because of outdated stigmas surrounding mental health, it serves only to exacerbate our emotional distress. However, with counseling, the prospects for recovery from depression are very good. By seeking depression therapy with an experienced mental health professional, you can regain control of your life by improving your health and hygiene habits, regaining motivation, and developing stronger and closer relationships with others.

Depression Therapy Can Re-Instill Hope And A Sense Of Purpose

We understand the effort it takes to seek therapy when you’re suffering from depression. It’s a milestone in your journey to recovery to ask someone for help. But once a connection with a therapist who feels like the right fit is established, it will facilitate other connections that can help reduce isolation and increase your sense of belonging, thereby opening up the world to you.

Therapy provides a safe space to have your mental health needs assessed within a private and confidential setting. It is where you can let your guard down and allow your authentic self to show up without guilt, shame, or fear of being judged. The therapeutic relationship is built on trust, transparency, and respect. Together we will focus on improving your self-care practices, helping you engage in meaningful relationships, and restoring hope and motivation in your life.

What To Expect In Sessions

The initial intake process will help you gain clarity around core issues, concerns, and pain points you want to be addressed. Gathering information about your background helps us collaborate with you in assessing your needs and developing your plan of care. Our faith-based approach allows you to work through emotional pain by giving you purpose, passion, and a plan.

If you feel like the world’s better off without you, we will help you identify what your hopes, dreams, aspirations, and goals are. Having a personalized self-care action plan between sessions—which includes personal hygiene, exercise, diet and nutrition, positive relationships, and professional growth and development—will help instill self-esteem and a sense of purpose.

Currently, you may be eating too much—or not enough—and avoiding exercise. By focusing on diet and nutrition, we will help you find the right balance in your diet. Additionally, exercise has many mental health benefits, including lifting brain fog and giving you the energy to stay motivated through behavior activation. 

The Modalities We Use

Our approach to counseling integrates faith, spirituality, and principles of recovery with current research and best practices in psychology. There is power in changing how you think which in turn affects how you feel. Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) looks at events in your life—past, present, or future—and examines what automatic thoughts and emotions you have tied to these events. Once you identify the core beliefs that trigger these thoughts, it allows you to replace unhealthy cognitive distortions with positive beliefs. 

No matter who you are or what your situation is, there is hope for a better tomorrow. Sometimes you need a trained professional you can trust to help you get back on track and move in the right direction. Life is a team sport, so choose your team wisely. Taking the time to find a therapist who is the right fit for you and your needs has the potential to be transformational.

But You May Wonder Whether Depression Therapy Is Right For You…

Can’t I just take antidepressants for depression instead of seeking treatment?

Sometimes clients can benefit from taking medication in conjunction with therapy when clinical depression is suspected, but this isn’t always recommended. We evaluate each client on a case-by-case basis and can help refer you to a physician if antidepressants are appropriate for you. However, only using medication for treating depression will not resolve the pain, suffering, and loss of hope you may be experiencing. Therapy can help address your belief system, improve self-awareness, and identify the thoughts and feelings that contribute to depression, so you understand how to deal with symptoms. 

I’m afraid to admit I might need therapy for depression.

It’s natural to be reluctant to admit you are dealing with depression. After all, it’s a personal matter, and agreeing to let someone you don’t know help you is a leap of faith. We understand that building trust is an important step in overcoming depression and therapy is the best place to start. Depression therapy is completely private and always confidential. And if more convenient, depression treatment doesn’t have to be in-person—we offer telehealth if that makes scheduling your first session a more attainable goal. 

If I seek depression counseling, will I be judged?

Feelings of guilt and shame thrive in secret, but please know that you are not alone—depression affects many people. We strongly believe that judgment should never be part of the therapeutic experience. Rather, as mental health professionals, we are trained to be non-judgmental—it’s a cornerstone of our practice. You can speak freely and authentically without shame or embarrassment. And although our practice is faith-based, we won’t proselytize—it’s your journey and you’re responsible for whatever decisions you make. 

Depression Is Treatable—Hope Can Be Restored

If you have come to this website and read this far, something is telling you to make the call and ask for help. If you would like to find out more about therapy for depression, please contact us  today. 

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