Where Can I Find Addiction Treatment For Christians?

More times than we realize, it’s not the specific problem that matters most. You see, every single one of us views the world through certain lenses. For example, the devout Christian has certain perspectives and parameters. This is normal and inevitable. Where it can become an issue is when we limit ourselves. We refuse to try seeing a situation from a different angle.

Take, for example, addiction. Unfortunately, this is not a rare problem. That said, it can become even more daunting if we deny its existence. We can escalate addiction’s fallout by restricting our options for dealing with it. How then can a Christian recover and heal within the guidelines of their faith?

What Is It Like to Be Addicted?

Let’s start with these three premises:

  • It’s very hard to understand addiction if you’ve never experienced it

  • Each addict has their own unique circumstances

  • Addiction can be much more than drugs or alcohol, e.g. gambling, sex, etc.

Against your better judgment, you try something different. It feels good so you keep trying it. Soon enough, you find yourself thinking about doing more and more. Your daily functioning suffers because you’re distracted. Your relationships become less of a priority. Before you know it, you’re lying to others to cover up what has become an addiction.

You’re also lying to yourself. “I can sort any time I want.” “I don’t have a problem.” You do this because you’re feeling regret, shame, and guilt. As a Christian, you also feel you’ve let down your church, your faith, and the people with whom you worship. You believe you’ve let down God. With all this in mind, let’s end this section of the post with three more premises:

  • You absolutely can recover and make amends

  • The people in your life want to help and support you

  • Your God is a forgiving God who is always ready to welcome you back onto the righteous path

Can Christians Go Through Addiction Treatment?

The answer to this question is an emphatic yes. But they must be willing to accept help outside the structure of the church. Such an act is not an act of betrayal or a sign that you lack faith. It’s also not an abandonment of prayer. Talking to a therapist does not preclude you from attending Mass, prayer groups, and more. The two healing paths run parallel and strengthen each other. The process begins with you coming to terms with some important aspects of this scenario:

Any Human Can Fall Victim to Temptation

Being Christian isn’t like wearing a bulletproof vest. It can help in so many ways but it’s not a guarantee that you’ll never mess up. It can, however, provide the blueprint for returning to the fold. Accept the reality of your addiction and your need for help.

You Have Some Apologizing to Do

Every addict tells lie. They deceive in order to avoid detection. You may wonder how you can ever make up for living this double life. The answer is to take responsibility. Hold yourself accountable. Show remorse. Sincerely apologize. Do the work to make sure it does not happen again.

Don’t Make it About the Shame

You’ve done things you regret. Justifiably, you feel ashamed. Use that shame to keep you on the road to recovery. But don’t turn yourself into a martyr. It will hamper your treatment and distract you from the righteous path you seek.

Talk to a Christian Therapist

As you make the above commitments, make contact with a mental health professional who understands. I offer support and treatment from the position of a Christian therapist guided by the Word. I hear you I get you.


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